Market understanding to algin opportunity with personal passion and conviction for a compelling future.......
Creating clarity of vision and purpose, then imprint 'end success' upon the deeper mind to harness inner power.......
Strategy, business modelling and benchmarking to power inspirational leadership and attract top talent that believe in your vision.......
Masterful inspiring communication to sell your vision and purpose to employees, community, investors, stakeholders and customers.......
Upgrading your whole system: drive, productivity, spirit, mind and body power for peak performance, creativity, and growth mindset.......
Identify and train inspirational Special Task Force teams, A-grade go-getters that establish benchmarks and culture for accelerated growth.......
FinTec CEO – from impending business closure to international success
“Sean coached me from burnout to super health, then supported me to turn our company around. He renamed and rebranded our business, clarified personal and corporate vision, redesigned offices, created new website and developed a culture of fun, heightened productivity and life-balance among management & staff. His broad skills-set is invaluable”...
Electrical Retailer Owner – from local corner store to successful chain of stores
“Through exercise, diet and me understanding my mind he got me back on track after years of back-breaking stress. He then took on branding, shop design, advertising and marketing and helped me to aggressively grow the business. Leading a business can be a lonely journey, but I wholeheartedly recommend Sean as trustworthy support”....
Student Rugby Player – from under achiever to star of Irish U20 team
“I dreamed of playing for Ireland but sleepless nights and over analysing left me stuck as an under achiever. Sean thought me how to reprogramme my mind, modelling the worlds best players. My jump in performance was immediate. He is a master of nutrition and in the gym and thought me how to access the power of my deeper mind. My strength and drive dramatically increased. He thought me the importance of gratitude for my privileged new circumstances and responsibility as a role model of integrity for other young people....
International Banking Executive – from MS and job loss to super health
“Based in London and diagnosed with 2nd degree progressive MS I was unable to work, dress or feed myself. I walked with the aid of a frame and had to return to Ireland for my parents to care for me. My programme with Sean was intensive but I regained super health and physical fitness... and got my job back”....
Journalist – from wheelchair to walking, driving and independent living
“After a massive stroke I was given a 1% chance by my medical team of being anything but a vegetable for life. I spent two years in rehab with little progress then went home to assisted living and wheelchair bound. In two years of working with Sean I am now living independently, driving and just completed a mini marathon! My life is totally transformed”....
Company Director, total life, health and business transformation
“From introvert and suffering a life-threatening illness, Sean coached me back to full health. He then gave me the courage and support to leave my old job and set up a new business, which has already become very successful. He coached me in communication then pushed me to join Toastmasters where I won the top Irish competition and represented Ireland in recent UK competition. Life looks a whole lot brighter”....
Oil Industry Executive, Film Making that helped win Global Award
“I commissioned Sean to go to Central America to make a film documentary about the difference my Holistic Business Model was making to the lives of people there, often against hostile opposition. The film was inspirational, playing a critical role in my company winning the prestigious Global Educational Award against all of the worlds biggest oil companies. He has an great ability to draw others into your vision, to achieve your goal”....
Motorbike Racer, from 5th place in 2nd tier to Superbike podium
“In my late 40’s Sean’s programme took me from pending second division retirement to podium in the ultimate Superbike class. My times, strength and endurance are better than when I was at top of my career 25 years ago. Training was intense but my mind speed and body strength have increased dramatically, helping me win the toughest of track battles”...
Medical Doctor, from stress & overwhelmed to relaxed and energised
“After three decades running an exhaustive busy practice Sean’s Life Reboot Programme gave me a new lease of life. He knows his science with regard to nutrition, the mind and physical exercise. My wife, son and a number of my friends have also completed the programme with great success. I wholeheartedly recommend it for everyone”....